After many years performing self-empowerment and soul-coaching sessions with clients, one thing that I have noticed is that most people are desperately looking to create a happier, more enjoyable and more fulfilling life.
Most of the time they already have access to an amazing and infinite power to change their lives within their soul (even if they don’t realise it).
Yet often what is missing is the courage and self-belief to act on their soul’s inner-guidance.
So what do you really need to create your best life now?
First, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Stop trying to meet other people’s expectations. And instead we need to find the self-love and respect to give ourselves permission to be the best we can be in this moment.
“It’s OK for ME to BE the BEST ME I can BE!”
The 7 Keys to Creating Your Best Life Now …
#1. You Need to Discover Your Soul Path and Purpose
Each and every person has a unique soul path and purpose that is waiting to be discovered. Your unique soul song is the key to living in greater harmony and alignment with the divine plan for your life, and provides the foundation for a life of greater happiness, joy and fulfilment.
#2. Create a Powerful Soul Defining Intention
You are a powerful creative being and you are co-creating your life in each and every moment. In fact the results that you are experiencing now are simply the direct reflection of your past thoughts, feelings and actions. The number one reason most people struggle and strive in life is that they simply don’t know what they really want. Defining a clear and inspired soul intention for your life therefore opens the pathway to creating a life of success and significance.
#3. Activate Your Inner-Power
What are you really committed to in your life? In every moment you are being presented with choices for your life. Your freedom to make decisions is what activates and unleashes your true personal power. However the challenge is often staying true to what is important to you (your goals, dreams and higher intentions) instead of being side-tracked by low-priority urgencies.
#4. Develop an Unstoppable Self-Belief
Who you are speaks louder than words. Your character and self-belief precedes you into every situation, meeting, event and connection. Therefore how you choose to see yourself (your self-image) is fundamental to realising your highest and best life. Are you unstoppable or are you being stopped?
#5. Engage Your Intuitive Guidance
Have you ever walked into a room or environment and just felt that there was something not good about the energy? Have you ever met people that you instantly did not like or feel good around? Our intuition is our most powerful guide on this life journey. Every question we ask of ourselves is answered at some level of our being. The question is “Are we willing to listen to the response and act on it?”.
#6. Align With Your Authentic Self
Have you ever experienced being completely in flow? That surreal of all states where we are so engaged and connected with what we are doing that time drifts away, and we connect with the grace and divinity of our own souls? It is in the moments of authenticity that your power and presence grows. Aligning heart, mind, body and soul with your higher self plan is the key to an awakened life.
#7. Expand Your Personal Presence and Influence
Did you know that if you are alive and breathing right now, that your life has purpose? Each of us is here not only to be the ‘best ME that we can be’ but to use our gifts, talents and abilities to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Expanding your personal presence and influence is therefore your birth right and the greatest gift that YOU bring to the world.
Over the coming weeks I’ll be exploring each of these areas in more detail and also sharing some powerful video Masterclass sessions that will help you begin to apply these principles in your own life.
I’m looking forward to sharing them with you … so stay tuned!