Finding Hidden Opportunities
For centuries there has been continuing debate over whether our ‘destiny’ and ‘fate’ is defined by divine providence, by chance or just pure downright luck.
But the blending of science and the new fields of quantum research are now showing us that maybe our ‘soul paths’ are not so much directed by influences ‘beyond our control’, but more so from our own unique ability as human beings to set an intention, to make a powerful decision for our lives, and then taking constant and consistent action.
As a musician I’ve been avidly following the latest series of American Idol and The Voice Australia. What always fascinates me about these ‘ reality music shows’ is how ordinary everyday people, who often doubt their own abilities, or question their own right to ‘shine on the world stage’, often make it through to the finals, and then on to live lives where they get to do what they really love – and best of all – get handsomely paid to do it!
Even in these latest series we were inspired by the lives of 18 year old Harrison Craig in Australia, and 20 year old Lazaro Arbos from America, both who experienced severe stuttering and social anxiety while speaking, but who had the unique gift of still being able to inspire and touch the lives of millions through their singing. Both summoned the courage, the willingness and humility to put them selves ‘out there’ on the world stage.
Accessing Your ‘Cubic Centimetre of Chance’
Both of them engaged the ‘magic’ that author Carlos Castenda refers to as “their cubic centimetre of chance”.
“All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimetre of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimetre pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess, to pick it up.”
So for this month’s post I thought I would share 3 key insights that can help every individual, every business owner, and every leader ‘open up’ to the incredible opportunities that are presenting themselves in front of you each and every day
Insight #1 : Opportunities Are Everywhere – But Get Clear First
It’s a funny paradigm, the moment you start saying ‘Yes’ to life – then life starts saying ‘Yes to you!
Each and everyday opportunities are presenting themselves to us, whether it be a chance meeting in a café, a sign on the car in front of us, a wrong phone call that comes through when we least expect it. The reality is that when we have set a purpose for our lives, when we have gotten clear on our own intentions and life goals, and when we are clear from all limiting beliefs and patterns that hold us back – then life simply re-presents to you what you have been radiating and reflecting internally all along.
In fact UK mentalist and hypnotherapist Derryn Brown conducted an interesting study where went to a small village in country England and found a man who considered himself unlucky, and who believed “good things don’t happen for me”. For almost two weeks, Derryn placed lucky opportunities around him, from winning a lottery ticket on the ground, to organising a big billboard truck with the words “You have Won a Prize – Please Call 9828 2929” passing by right in front of him.
So what happened? In all situations that Derryn presented the man did not even see or recognise a single one! Why? Because his past mental conditioning and programming meant that his brain and consciousness simply avoided the opportunities, almost deleting them from his awareness all together.
The moment the man began to consider the possibility that he was lucky, and that good things could happen for me – his life began to change forever. But first he had to clear within himself first!
So how do you notice, accept and take advantage of these opportunities?
Get clear in yourself first – Only when you feel clear internally, will life reflect back what you truly desire. So get clear on your dreams, get clear on your purpose, get clear on what you are willing to receive, and then watch what turns up in ‘your reality field’.
Insight #2: Step Beyond Fear and Awaken the Power of ‘Yes’
So what do you do when opportunities start presenting themselves to you?? Just say “Yes”
Yes is one of the most powerful words that we have in our language. It has the possibility to create multi-million dollar business deals, it has the potential to allow us to accept a marriage proposal, it has the power to encourage the first steps that our children take on their life journeys.
But what inadvertently happens as adults is that we become conditioned to our natural ‘fear response’. In the face of opportunity it can become all too easy to say ‘No’ and remain in our unconscious comfort zones, than to say ‘Yes’ and accept the power we have to live an adventure in each moment.
So the lesson? Watch the movie “Yes Man” staring Jim Carey. It will awaken you to the power and possibility to transform our lives, just by using this one simple word.
Then get used to saying to yourself “Yes I can”, “Yes I am allowed”, “Yes I am good enough”, “Yes I am worthy of success” and “Yes I am ready” when the perfect opportunities start presenting at your door!
Insight #3: Give Up the Excuses and Start Moving
The final key to taking advantage of the synchronicities and opportunities in your life is to:
Start Giving Up The Excuses
Its all to easy to make up countless excuses for why our business is not making money, why our marriage is not working, why are lives feel empty and lack meaning.
It is much harder though to look deep within our hearts and souls and admit the truth. That wherever our problems and challenges seem to rise up and manifest – we somehow manage to be there!
In these moments we need to be honest with ourselves. We need to look deep within and ask “Am I truly being the person in this situation that I was divinely created and crafted to be?”
If the answer is no, then look at who you really need to become on the inside, in order for you to experience the nourishment, love, rewards and success you deserve on the outside.
Just Start Moving and Take Inspired Action
Its very hard to attract opportunity to you when you are stagnant, stuck, or not moving. Life energy follows motion, it follows courage, it follows faith and action.
Once you have let go your excuses, its time to take powerful action towards creating what you want. This action is inspired action – not force. It is the action that presents seamlessly and magically when ‘preparation’ seems to meet ‘opportunity’.
In these moments, you know in your heart that you are on track. That life and the universe support you, and that your destiny is assured. All you have to do is say ‘thank you’ and take action to claim the destiny that awaits you in that moment.
Remember ‘The universe loves speed’ and it takes courage to follow your own heart and soul.
It takes faith to act when the path is not clear. It takes resilience to get back up again and hold true to your greatest dreams, even when all around you say that what you desire to create is ‘not possible’, ‘not practical’ or ‘not realistic’.
All great leaders were once visionaries with an almost impossible dream. So do not be afraid. Do not hold back. Instead light the flame so that all those who see and recognise your light will be inspired to do the same.
And if you really want to get clear in yourself and unlock the hidden opportunities in your life make sure to book in for our next Soul Path Intelligence™ program. You can find out more at